Equity Release

What is Equity Release?

If you are in your mid 50's or older you might have paid a substantial amount off your mortgage, or be close to paying it off. The value of your home may have risen considerably since you bought it, but you might still be short of money to spend, invest or even pay your standard mortgage off, or you may wish to release capital to help the next generation.

Equity Release is a way of raising money from the value of your home.

Equity Release Plans

If you take out a Lifetime Mortgage, you can choose to receive your funds in a lump sum or in smaller, regular amounts. We can look at all your options for releasing a part of the value of your home in return for a cash lump sum, or income to spend as you wish. There are advantages and disadvantages in both types of plans so it is important for you to find out as much as you can, to get qualified advice and, if possible, to talk it over with your family to ensure you choose the best plan to fit your needs.

We can explore the ways we may be able to help you and offer solutions which may meet your needs.

Equity release will reduce the value of your estate and can affect your eligibility for means tested benefits

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